Next KMCA General Meeting – Tuesday December 13th, 2022

The next KMCA general meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday December 13th, 2022 at 7:30 PM. The agenda is below.

The meeting link will be sent out to all current KMCA members prior to the meeting. You can check if your household membership is current here. If you haven’t received the link by Monday, 12/12, please email to request the link.

If you attended the previous meeting, please take a moment to review the minutes from that meeting posted here as one of our first agenda items is to approve those minutes. 

We will be voting on two items at this meeting: potential changes to the play equipment at Kemp Mill Estates Park, and to approve the 2023 KMCA budget.


7:30 PM
– Call to order
– Adoption of agenda
– Approval of minutes of the previous meeting
– Treasurer’s report: Membership / bank balances

7:35 PM – Montgomery County Roads Runner’s Club – Kemp Mill Chills 5K/10K Race
– Jeff Lunsford from MCRRC will speak about the upcoming race to be held Sunday 2/12/2023

7:45 PM – Montgomery Parks – Playground options for Kemp Mill Urban Park
– Patricia McManus, Design Section Manager for Montgomery Parks will present the options for replacing some of the play structures. We will be voting to select one of the options after the presentation.

8:05 PM – Montgomery Planning – University Boulevard Corridor Plan
– Nkosi Yearwood will go over the plans for the University Boulevard Corridor and answer questions from the membership

8:35 PM – 2023 KMCA Budget
– We will vote on the proposed 2023 KMCA budget

8:40 PM – Committee Reports

8:50 PM – New Business / Announcements

9:00 PM – Adjourn

KMCAbudget2023 - 2023

University Boulevard Corridor Public Meetings

From the Montgomery County Planning Department:

The Montgomery County Planning Department is starting a new comprehensive plan for University Boulevard (MD 193). The University Boulevard Corridor is identified as a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), which would link the Takoma Langley and Wheaton areas. The proposed BRT route would intersect with the existing FLASH service on Route 29. A broad overview on the project is attached.

As part of our outreach efforts for this corridor plan, we are reaching out to local organizations and community leaders to discuss and learn about community issues and concerns regarding University Boulevard.

The initial Public Open House for University Boulevard will take place on Wednesday, November 2, 7-9 p.m. at Blair High School. We will also host a virtual option on Monday, November 7 at 7 p.m.

University Boulevard Overview

MCDOT Proposed Changes to the Intersection of Kemp Mill Road and Monticello Avenue

KMCA Members,

The PDF below shows changes that the Montgomery County Department of Transportation is planning to make to the intersection of Kemp Mill Road and Monticello Avenue. They intend to remove the concrete bump-out on the southwest side of the intersection and install a center pedestrian refuge island in the crosswalk. This is in response to concerns about the difficulty for pedestrians to safely cross at this intersection with the current design. The center refuge will allow pedestrians to cross one lane of traffic at a time with a 5′ x 5′ protected space in the middle of the crosswalk, similar to the crosswalks on Arcola at Kersey, Kenbrook, and Hoyt.

The county is requesting comments from the community and since this is occurring between KMCA general meetings, the Board will act on behalf of the membership. Based on preliminary discussions, the majority of the Board supports the new design. If you have comments that you would like the board to consider before we vote on a motion to support the plan, please contact Alan @ (or any other board member – contact information here) no later than April 21st. Barring negative feedback from the community, the county intends to proceed with the project sometime after the end of this month, but we haven’t been given a specific date yet.

Kemp Mill Road and Monticello Avenue- (1)

(Click here to view full size)

Kemp Mill Sidewalk Proposal from MC DOT

KMCA Members,

I am passing on documents I received from the Montgomery County Department of Transportation related to a proposal to add sidewalks to several streets in Kemp Mill. The proposal covers parts of Lovejoy Street, Stonington Place, and Hermleigh Road, as well as the cut-through path between Auth and Lovejoy.

Below you will find the letter that was sent to all of the residents who live across the street from the affected houses along with a comment form, map, and the detailed description of what work would be done at each address. That includes listing all trees that would be affected and other obstructions such as mailboxes or water meters that might have to be relocated. Residents on the side of the street where the sidewalks are proposed to be installed received a slightly different letter with information on how they can contact the county for detailed discussions about the affects on their specific property.

As the letter from DOT makes clear there has been no decision made at this point whether to install the sidewalks. The County needs to gather public input and if it moves forward after that then DOT will schedule a public hearing. At that public hearing anyone can provide their comments on the record before any final decisions are made.

The current county process for deciding on whether to install sidewalks does NOT require a vote of support from the Civic Association, however the Association can submit comments to the county on behalf of our membership. Some members have asked the Civic Association to consider a motion to support the proposal. The next KMCA meeting, tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 4th (edit: the meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th) at 7:30 PM, will include an informational presentation and Q&A session with a DOT representative before we vote on any motion related to the proposal. This is not the county’s public hearing which would only occur at a later date if they decide to move forward with the project.

Once the meeting date and location are finalized I will send out a notice along with a detailed agenda.

Alan Felsen
President, KMCA

Letter - Notification to Neighbors (DUE Sept 13th)




Tree Report - Hermleigh Rd


Tree Report - Lovejoy Street


Tree Report - Path btwn Lovejoy St & Auth Lane


Tree Report - Stonington Pl




Comment-Survey Form (DUE Fri September 13th)


Transportation Committee Meeting with County Planning Dept. – Monday March 5th

The KMCA Transportation Committee is pleased to announce that we will have a special meeting on Monday, March 5th from 7-8 PM at the Kemp Mill Elementary School for a presentation and discussion with the Montgomery County Planning Department on the proposed County Bicycle Master Plan. David Anspacher, who is the Supervisor for the Functional Planning and Policy Division within the Montgomery County Planning Department, will be joining us for this hour-long meeting. David will spend the first 10-15 minutes presenting on what the Bicycle Master Plan is and then spend the rest of the session taking questions and comments from members of our community. Items up for discussion could include:

  • Internal neighborhood connections for bikes and pedestrians
  • Possible bicycle facilities along Arcola Ave and Kemp Mill Road
  • Bicycle network for commuting from Kemp Mill to other destinations
  • Bicycle parking
  • Stations for renting bicycles within Kemp Mill
  • Bicycle traffic along Lamberton
  • Surrounding trail system
  • Safety concerns regarding cyclists
  • Anything else that might interest you

This meeting is open to the whole community. Please invite all your neighbors that may have an interest in this meeting to join us. The more participation and input we get at this meeting, the more we can improve Kemp Mill to be a more friendly environment for bicycles and pedestrians.

Gil Chlewicki
KMCA Transportation Committee Chair

Road Repaving in Kemp Mill

Many roads are currently being repaved by WSSC and Montgomery County’s Dept. of Transportation throughout Kemp Mill.

WSSC: All the repaving that WSSC is doing should be from curb to curb, after initially patching up holes in the street made during the replacement of pipes. Most, if not all, of the work now seems to be south of Lamberton. Contact Mike Ballantyne, WSSC’s on-site Construction Inspector with any questions or problems: cell: 240-508-3253, office: 301-206-7363, fax: 301-206-7963,

Dept. of Transportation (MCDOT) Repaving: All roads in Kemp Mill between Lamberton and Hermleigh, east of Arcola and Kemp Mill Road are being repaved this year (see blue roads on attached map). Although the County began by trying to patch up certain sections of road, and completely redo others, MCDOT made the redetermination that it was more suitable for all of the existing roads to be completely milled and resurfaced as opposed to patched, with full width/depth Hot Mix Asphalt.

The Department has been informed of Jewish holidays, and the impossibility
of posting new parking restrictions during those periods when many
residents will be unable to move their cars. I have asked MCDOT to post
signs at the *beginning* of streets warning drivers away
from entering streets where equipment will block cars from driving all the
way through. I have also asked them to give the community a schedule of
the work, and when it will be completed.

For problems and questions, please contact Nick Boone, the Dept.’s on-site
Inspector, cell: 240-821-7133, office: 240-777-7648, DOT’s Pavement Management Section Chief is Randy Paugh, 240-777-7608, Cell: 240-821-7242,

Upcoming Improvements to Traffic Signs and Markings on and near Lamberton and Kemp Mill Elementary School

The below PDF has details about improvements to traffic signs and markings at various locations in the neighborhood.

The additional links below are for related supporting documentation.

(Click here to download the PDF or view it full sized)

Lamberton speed limits etc.


Maps of east and westbound speed limit signs on Lamberton

KMES Crosswalks – higher view

KMES crosswalks