Fall Garden Cleanup at Lamberton Drive Median

A few volunteers spent three hours last Friday cleaning up the garden around the Welcome to Kemp Mill Estates sign on Lamberton Drive.

Thanks to Pete Lublin (Chair of the Neighborhood Beautification committee), Liisa Silverstone, and Yosef Hakim for their work.  If you’d like to help Pete with future efforts please contact him at outdoorsguy_1999@yahoo.com.

Front of sign
Back of sign




Kemp Mill Civic Association Meeting Agenda – 10/16/2017

The next Kemp Mill Civic Association meeting will be held on

Monday October 16, 2017

7:30 PM

at Kemp Mill Elementary School

411 Sisson Street, in the all-purpose room

Please arrive on time as we will begin promptly at 7:30.

We will have some refreshments including pizza that was donated by Ben Yehuda Pizza: http://www.bypizza.co


7:30   Call to Order

Approval of minutes of previous meeting

Adoption of agenda

7:35   Committee reports

7:40   Program – Presentation by MCPD 4th District Community Services Officer, Ofc. Katie Beard

8:10   Program – Presentation on Northwood Chesapeake Bay Trail, Jennifer Chambers

8:25   Discussion of committees, introduction of committee chairs, requests for volunteers (Budget, Bylaws, Deer, Membership and Outreach, Neighborhood Beautification, Parks, Social Media/Internet, Transportation)

8:55  Old and New Business

9:10   Announcements

9:15   Adjourn