Dear Kemp Mill Neighbor,
You are invited to the Kemp Mill Civic Association’s quarterly meeting which will be held Thursday June 27 at Odessa Shannon Middle School from 7:30pm-8:50pm. An agenda for the meeting is below.
We will be hearing from a prosecutor with the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office (specific speaker to be named later). The State’s Attorney’s Office will discuss crime trends in our neighborhood, and their office’s efforts to prosecute and deter crime.
We’ll also hold elections for several Board positions, recognize some of the people who made this month’s Kemp Mill Community Day such a success, and hear updates on the Kersey-Auth Bridge, the Arcola Avenue road segment we’ve adopted, and the latest from our Landscaping, Sidewalks, and Transportation committees.
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday!
Jules Szanton
President, KMCA
Kemp Mill Civic Association Quarterly Meeting Agenda
June 27, 2024; 7:30 pm
Odessa Shannon Middle School
• 7:30 pm: Administrative Matters
o Call to order
o Adoption of agenda/previous minutes:
o Treasurer’s report: Balance of funds and membership numbers
• 7:35 pm: Invited Guest – Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office
o KMCA has invited the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office to discuss public safety issues in our neighborhood, and the SAO’s efforts to prosecute and deter crime.
o There will be an opportunity for questions from members of the community.
• 8:05pm: 2024 Community Day Recognitions
o We will express our appreciation for volunteers and sponsors who helped make the 2024 Community Day such a successful event.
• 8:15pm: Elections
o The following candidates have been nominated for KMCA board positions:
▪ Vice President: Jonathan Aghion
▪ Treasurer: Anna Waller
▪ Director: Alan Felsen
▪ Director: Maria Lopez
▪ Director: Gil Chlewicki
o Other candidacies may be proposed from the floor.
• 8:25pm: Kersey-Auth Bridge update from VP Jonathan Aghion
o The County has officially responded to public comments on the Kersey-Auth bridge. At our last meeting, the membership voted to support the proposed project, with the request that the County plant three new trees for each mature tree to be removed. The project is continuing to move forward, with construction projected to begin this fall.
o Jonathan will discuss a proposal to include a commemorative plaque on the new bridge.
• 8:40pm: Committee Updates
o Cleanup
o Landscaping
o Sidewalks
o Transportation
• 8:50pm: Adjourn