KMCA Members,
The PDF below shows changes that the Montgomery County Department of Transportation is planning to make to the intersection of Kemp Mill Road and Monticello Avenue. They intend to remove the concrete bump-out on the southwest side of the intersection and install a center pedestrian refuge island in the crosswalk. This is in response to concerns about the difficulty for pedestrians to safely cross at this intersection with the current design. The center refuge will allow pedestrians to cross one lane of traffic at a time with a 5′ x 5′ protected space in the middle of the crosswalk, similar to the crosswalks on Arcola at Kersey, Kenbrook, and Hoyt.
The county is requesting comments from the community and since this is occurring between KMCA general meetings, the Board will act on behalf of the membership. Based on preliminary discussions, the majority of the Board supports the new design. If you have comments that you would like the board to consider before we vote on a motion to support the plan, please contact Alan @ (or any other board member – contact information here) no later than April 21st. Barring negative feedback from the community, the county intends to proceed with the project sometime after the end of this month, but we haven’t been given a specific date yet.
Kemp Mill Road and Monticello Avenue- (1)