Next Kemp Mill Civic Association General Meeting: Tuesday December 19th @ 7:30 PM
Dear Kemp Mill Neighbor,
You are invited to the Kemp Mill Civic Association’s quarterly meeting which will be held Tuesday December 19 at Kemp Mill Elementary School from 7:30pm-8:55pm. An agenda for the meeting is attached.
Councilmember Natali Fani-González, our District 6 representative on the Montgomery County Council, will be our guest speaker. She’ll discuss her work to fix up Kemp Mill Urban Park, and will be available to answer questions generally about her work as our representative in county government.
Folks who were at the September meeting will remember that KMCA discussed and adopted a list of eight priorities for fixing/improving Kemp Mill Urban Park. Since then, we’ve been hard at work trying to make our beloved park better serve the community’s needs. The KMCA Board sent the County Council a letter summarizing KMCA’s priorities for the park. Councilmember Fani-González has been using that letter as a basis for discussions with Montgomery Parks. Additionally, the newly-created KMCA Cleanup Committee, led by Melanie Goodrich, had a successful park cleanup on November 5 where we removed several trash bags worth of litter from Kemp Mill Urban Park.
As you can see from the agenda, we have other important areas to discuss as well. I look forward to seeing you at next week’s meeting!
Jules Szanton
President, KMCA
Kemp Mill Civic Association Quarterly Meeting Agenda
December 19, 2023; 7:30 pm
Kemp Mill Elementary School
- 7:30 pm: Administrative Matters
- Call to order
- Adoption of agenda/previous minutes
- Treasurer’s report: Balance of funds and membership numbers
- 7:35 pm: Guest Speaker: Councilmember Natali Fani-González, Montgomery
County Council- Councilmember Fani-González represents District 6 on the Montgomery
County Council. District 6 includes all of Kemp Mill, as well as Forest
Glen, Wheaton, Glenmont, Aspen Hill, and Rock Creek. - At KMCA’s last meeting, the KMCA membership directed KMCA’s Board
to work with our elected officials to make eight specific improvements to
Kemp Mill Urban Park. Councilmember Fani- González is working with
Montgomery Parks to make these changes, and will discuss the timeline
for improving the Park. - Councilmember Fani-González will also be available to take questions
generally about her work representing our neighborhood on the Council.
- Councilmember Fani-González represents District 6 on the Montgomery
- 8:05pm: Community Updates
- Jeff Lunsford, director of the Kemp Mill Chills 5k/10K, will discuss this fun community event scheduled for Sunday February 11.
- Anyone else seeking to be recognized to share a community update at this or another upcoming meeting should email Jules at
- 8:10 pm: KMCA’s 2024 Budget
- Treasurer Anna Waller will discuss how actual revenue and expenses
from 2023 compared with the approved 2023 budget. - Anna will share the Board’s proposed 2024 budget, which will be open for
questions, comments, and amendment. - Vote.
- Treasurer Anna Waller will discuss how actual revenue and expenses
- 8:30pm: Committee Updates
- Sidewalks Committee
- Cleanup Committee
- Transportation Committee
- Community Day Committee
- 8:50pm: New Business
- 8:55pm: Adjourn
Next KMCA General Meeting – Tuesday December 13th, 2022
The next KMCA general meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday December 13th, 2022 at 7:30 PM. The agenda is below.
The meeting link will be sent out to all current KMCA members prior to the meeting. You can check if your household membership is current here. If you haven’t received the link by Monday, 12/12, please email to request the link.
If you attended the previous meeting, please take a moment to review the minutes from that meeting posted here as one of our first agenda items is to approve those minutes.
We will be voting on two items at this meeting: potential changes to the play equipment at Kemp Mill Estates Park, and to approve the 2023 KMCA budget.
7:30 PM
– Call to order
– Adoption of agenda
– Approval of minutes of the previous meeting
– Treasurer’s report: Membership / bank balances
7:35 PM – Montgomery County Roads Runner’s Club – Kemp Mill Chills 5K/10K Race
– Jeff Lunsford from MCRRC will speak about the upcoming race to be held Sunday 2/12/2023
7:45 PM – Montgomery Parks – Playground options for Kemp Mill Urban Park
– Patricia McManus, Design Section Manager for Montgomery Parks will present the options for replacing some of the play structures. We will be voting to select one of the options after the presentation.
8:05 PM – Montgomery Planning – University Boulevard Corridor Plan
– Nkosi Yearwood will go over the plans for the University Boulevard Corridor and answer questions from the membership
8:35 PM – 2023 KMCA Budget
– We will vote on the proposed 2023 KMCA budget
8:40 PM – Committee Reports
8:50 PM – New Business / Announcements
9:00 PM – Adjourn
KMCAbudget2023 - 2023KMCA General Meeting – Monday December 28, 2020
KMCA Members,
The final KMCA general meeting of 2020 will be held via Zoom on Monday December 28, 2020 at 7:30 PM. The link to join the meeting will be sent out to the KMCA-Announcements email list prior to the meeting. If you did not receive a meeting notice on 12/20 via that list please contact me at so I can add you to the mailing list. The tentative agenda is below.
We will have two speakers from Montgomery Parks, one discussing the Wheaton Regional Park Master Plan and one covering options for changes to the 2 to 5 year old children’s play area at Kemp Mill Urban Park. They are asking for the KMCA’s input on which options they should select for the playground. If you are planning to attend the meeting please review the four options prior to the meeting. They’ve been posted to our web site at
I’ve set time on the agenda for a speaker from Maryland MVA to answer any questions the community may have about the MVA office that will be opening soon in the Kemp Mill Shopping Center. I have not been able to confirm the attendance of the MVA representative so for now that agenda item is tentative. If no one from MVA is able to participate in the meeting we’ll move the rest of the agenda forward by 15 minutes.
We will also be voting on the proposed KMCA budget for 2021. The draft prepared by our Treasurer and approved by the Board of Directors is below.
If you aren’t sure that your membership is current, please take a minute to check it at If you need to renew you can do so online via PayPal or send a check in to the address listed on the website.
- 7:30 PM
- Call to order, introductions
- 7:35 PM
- Treasurer’s report (balances and membership numbers)
- Other committee reports
- 7:40 PM
- MC Parks – Kemp Mill Urban Park discussion and vote on a preferred playground plan
- 8:10 PM
- MC Parks – Wheaton Regional Park master plan
- 8:25 PM
- MD MVA – New Kemp Mill office
- 8:40 PM
- 2021 Budget discussion and approval
- 8:50 PM
- New Business
- 8:55 PM
- Announcements
- 9:00 PM
- Adjourn
Kemp Mill Urban Park – Playground Options
Montgomery Parks will be presenting several options for updates to the 2 to 5 year old children’s play area at Kemp Mill Urban Park at the December, 2020 KMCA meeting. Below are descriptions and concept drawings for each option.
- Option 1: Remove the existing panels. The playhouse would remain in its present location. Add a spring toy at the opposite end of the area and add 3 seating pods in the middle where the existing panels are located. The seating pods can be used as seating or as stepping “stones”.
- Option 2: The existing house and one of the existing panels to remain. Add a cluster of seating pods at the end of the area closest to the shopping center.
- Option 3: Remove the existing panels. Relocate the house to the opposite end of the area near the shopping center. Add a spin cup where the house is currently located. A child sits in the spin cup which is enclosed and then it is spun with the help of a parent or another child. A different interactive panel would replace the existing ones in the middle.
- Option 4: Remove the existing panels. Leave the house where is it and add a line of seating pods in the middle. At the lower end, add a spin cup at the lower end of the site near the shopping center.
Fencing Project at Kemp Mill Urban Park
The below notice is taken from the Montgomery Parks web site. A link to the original page is below. Their site includes a map showing the extent of the closed area.
November 23, 2020
Parks staff will install fencing around the pond for geese mediation
Parks staff will be closing portions of the Kemp Mill Urban Park. Staff will install fencing around the pond to mitigate geese activity.
The work is starting in early December 2020. Staff will be working to clear areas around ponds to install the fencing. The project may take several weeks to complete. During that time, the pathways and boardwalks surrounding the ponds will be closed off for visitor safety. The playground and pedestrian access through the park will remain open during this time. Please use caution and watch for detours around work areas.
Kemp Mill Urban Park Grand Opening, Wednesday, July 12, 6-8:30pm
Feedback for Kemp Mill Urban Park
Dear Kemp Millers,
We have now had the renovated Kemp Mill Urban Park open for about a week and a half, and many people have had a chance to experience it. The Kemp Mill Civic Association would like to get feedback from the broadest spectrum possible of the community, before speaking with Parks Dept. officials. Please send whatever feedback you’d like to urba… Even if you’ve given comments orally to members of the Urban Park Committee, its chair, Seth Jacobson, or me, please email them to us (urba…, so that we have documentation, and please let us know if you would NOT like to share them with Park Dept. officials.