As previously announced, the KMCA Election Meeting will take place September 6, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. at Young Israel Synagogue, 1132 Arcola Ave. As with all KMCA meetings, members are allowed only one vote per household. The Bylaws require that members be present at a meeting to vote.
The terms of all current officers are expiring, as are those of directors elected in odd-number years. Therefore, the following KMCA offices are to be filled by this election:
President (incumbent Ira Ungar)
Vice President (incumbent Seth Jacobson)
Treasurer (incumbent Marci Lavine Bloch)
Secretary (incumbent Adam Mervis)
Director (incumbent Pete Lublin)
Director (incumbent resigned)
Nominations made through the Nominating Committee must be received no later than August 6. To appear on the list, a nominee must be nominated by two KMCA members, and the nominee must state in writing a willingness to serve if elected. E-mail should be addressed to the committee chair, Stuart Rosenthal, at or vice-chair Art Boyars at
A list of those properly nominated will be circulated to the membership via the listserve no later than 10 days prior to the election. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the Election Meeting.
For your convenience, here is the language of the bylaws regarding the duties of the various officers:
SECTION 5 – Duties of the Officers:
a) The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint committee chairs and members (except elective committees), be a member ex-officio of all committees, and shall represent the Association in all external communications.
b) The Vice President will stand ready at all times to assist the President and will serve as a member ex-officio of all committees. In the event of the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of President with full powers. The Vice President shall succeed to the office of President in the event that office becomes permanently vacant until the next regularly scheduled meeting pursuant to Section 6 of this Article.
c) The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Association, file and preserve all written communications and reports of the Association, and maintain a current roll of all officers, directors, and the membership. Upon expiration of his or her tenure in office the Secretary will deliver to his or her successor all such files and records of the Association and take all steps necessary to ensure an orderly transition.
d) The Treasurer shall maintain an account at a local bank in the name of the Association for deposit of all dues and other monies. Such local bank will be designated by the Executive Committee and will be a bank insured by the FDIC or other agency of the United States Government. The Treasurer will maintain current records of all dues, other revenues and disbursements and will provide the membership with an annual financial report of the Association promptly upon the close of each calendar year. Upon expiration of his or her tenure in office the Treasurer will deliver to his or her successors an accounting and all records, receipts and statements concerning monies of the Association and the Association bank account and take all steps necessary to ensure an orderly transition.
As for directors, the Bylaws simply provide as follows:
The Executive Committee will be composed of the four (4) Officers of the Association plus five Directors. The Executive Committee will act for the Association at all times between official meetings and shall be responsible to the Association for carrying out the functions and policies of the Association as directed by the membership.
The members of the Nominating Committee have agreed not to personally nominate any candidate, nor to be nominated for any office, except that for any office for which there are no other nominations the Committee Members may accept nomination at the Election Meeting.
Please note: Campaigning for votes is not allowed on the KMCA listserve.
The Bylaws state, regarding the list of Households, “Such list may not be used for personal purposes or to campaign or lobby Members on any issue or issues.” In keeping with the spirit of that proscription, the KMCA Listserve shall not be used for campaigning or lobbying regarding the September 6 election of Officers and Directors.
Looking forward to seeing you on September 6.
The Nominating Committee