KMCA General Meeting – Monday December 28, 2020

KMCA Members,

The final KMCA general meeting of 2020 will be held via Zoom on Monday December 28, 2020 at 7:30 PM. The link to join the meeting will be sent out to the KMCA-Announcements email list prior to the meeting. If you did not receive a meeting notice on 12/20 via that list please contact me at so I can add you to the mailing list. The tentative agenda is below.

We will have two speakers from Montgomery Parks, one discussing the Wheaton Regional Park Master Plan and one covering options for changes to the 2 to 5 year old children’s play area at Kemp Mill Urban Park. They are asking for the KMCA’s input on which options they should select for the playground. If you are planning to attend the meeting please review the four options prior to the meeting. They’ve been posted to our web site at

I’ve set time on the agenda for a speaker from Maryland MVA to answer any questions the community may have about the MVA office that will be opening soon in the Kemp Mill Shopping Center. I have not been able to confirm the attendance of the MVA representative so for now that agenda item is tentative. If no one from MVA is able to participate in the meeting we’ll move the rest of the agenda forward by 15 minutes.

We will also be voting on the proposed KMCA budget for 2021. The draft prepared by our Treasurer and approved by the Board of Directors is below.

If you aren’t sure that your membership is current, please take a minute to check it at If you need to renew you can do so online via PayPal or send a check in to the address listed on the website.

  • 7:30 PM 
    • Call to order, introductions
  • 7:35 PM
    • Treasurer’s report (balances and membership numbers)
    • Other committee reports
  • 7:40 PM 
    • MC Parks – Kemp Mill Urban Park discussion and vote on a preferred playground plan
  • 8:10 PM 
    • MC Parks – Wheaton Regional Park master plan
  • 8:25 PM
    • MD MVA – New Kemp Mill office
  • 8:40 PM 
    • 2021 Budget discussion and approval
  • 8:50 PM 
    • New Business
  • 8:55 PM 
    • Announcements
  • 9:00 PM 
    • Adjourn
KMCAbudget - 2021

Kemp Mill Urban Park – Playground Options

Montgomery Parks will be presenting several options for updates to the 2 to 5 year old children’s play area at Kemp Mill Urban Park at the December, 2020 KMCA meeting. Below are descriptions and concept drawings for each option.

  • Option 1:    Remove the existing panels.  The playhouse would remain in its present location.  Add a spring toy at the opposite end of the area and add 3 seating pods in the middle where the existing panels are located.  The seating pods can be used as seating or as stepping “stones”.
Kemp Mill Concept 1 Drawing 02-10
  • Option 2:   The existing house and one of the existing panels to remain.  Add a cluster of seating pods at the end of the area closest to the shopping center.
Kemp Mill Concept 2 Drawing 02-10
  • Option 3:  Remove the existing panels.  Relocate the house to the opposite end of the area near the shopping center.  Add a spin cup where the house is currently located.  A child sits in the spin cup which is enclosed and then it is spun with the help of a parent or another child.  A different interactive panel would replace the existing ones in the middle. 
Kemp Mill Concept 3 Drawing 02-10
  • Option 4:  Remove the existing panels.  Leave the house where is it and add a line of seating pods in the middle.  At the lower end, add a spin cup at the lower end of the site near the shopping center. 
Concept #4 Drawing 05-26


Fencing Project at Kemp Mill Urban Park

The below notice is taken from the Montgomery Parks web site. A link to the original page is below. Their site includes a map showing the extent of the closed area.

November 23, 2020


Parks staff will install fencing around the pond for geese mediation

Parks staff will be closing portions of the Kemp Mill Urban Park. Staff will install fencing around the pond to mitigate geese activity.

The work is starting in early December 2020. Staff will be working to clear areas around ponds to install the fencing. The project may take several weeks to complete. During that time, the pathways and boardwalks surrounding the ponds will be closed off for visitor safety. The playground and pedestrian access through the park will remain open during this time. Please use caution and watch for detours around work areas.

(Original notice on Montgomery Parks site)