Jules Szanton
KMCA General Meeting – June 27, 2024 at Odessa Shannon Middle School
Dear Kemp Mill Neighbor,
You are invited to the Kemp Mill Civic Association’s quarterly meeting which will be held Thursday June 27 at Odessa Shannon Middle School from 7:30pm-8:50pm. An agenda for the meeting is below.
We will be hearing from a prosecutor with the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office (specific speaker to be named later). The State’s Attorney’s Office will discuss crime trends in our neighborhood, and their office’s efforts to prosecute and deter crime.
We’ll also hold elections for several Board positions, recognize some of the people who made this month’s Kemp Mill Community Day such a success, and hear updates on the Kersey-Auth Bridge, the Arcola Avenue road segment we’ve adopted, and the latest from our Landscaping, Sidewalks, and Transportation committees.
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday!
Jules Szanton
President, KMCA
Kemp Mill Civic Association Quarterly Meeting Agenda
June 27, 2024; 7:30 pm
Odessa Shannon Middle School
• 7:30 pm: Administrative Matters
o Call to order
o Adoption of agenda/previous minutes: https://www.kempmillcivic.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/KMCA-Q1-Mtg-Minutes-2024mar25.pdf
o Treasurer’s report: Balance of funds and membership numbers
• 7:35 pm: Invited Guest – Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office
o KMCA has invited the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office to discuss public safety issues in our neighborhood, and the SAO’s efforts to prosecute and deter crime.
o There will be an opportunity for questions from members of the community.
• 8:05pm: 2024 Community Day Recognitions
o We will express our appreciation for volunteers and sponsors who helped make the 2024 Community Day such a successful event.
• 8:15pm: Elections
o The following candidates have been nominated for KMCA board positions:
▪ Vice President: Jonathan Aghion
▪ Treasurer: Anna Waller
▪ Director: Alan Felsen
▪ Director: Maria Lopez
▪ Director: Gil Chlewicki
o Other candidacies may be proposed from the floor.
• 8:25pm: Kersey-Auth Bridge update from VP Jonathan Aghion
o The County has officially responded to public comments on the Kersey-Auth bridge. At our last meeting, the membership voted to support the proposed project, with the request that the County plant three new trees for each mature tree to be removed. The project is continuing to move forward, with construction projected to begin this fall.
o Jonathan will discuss a proposal to include a commemorative plaque on the new bridge.
• 8:40pm: Committee Updates
o Cleanup
o Landscaping
o Sidewalks
o Transportation
• 8:50pm: Adjourn
KMCA General Meeting – March 25, 2024 @ 7:30 PM
Next Kemp Mill Civic Association General Meeting: Tuesday December 19th @ 7:30 PM
Dear Kemp Mill Neighbor,
You are invited to the Kemp Mill Civic Association’s quarterly meeting which will be held Tuesday December 19 at Kemp Mill Elementary School from 7:30pm-8:55pm. An agenda for the meeting is attached.
Councilmember Natali Fani-González, our District 6 representative on the Montgomery County Council, will be our guest speaker. She’ll discuss her work to fix up Kemp Mill Urban Park, and will be available to answer questions generally about her work as our representative in county government.
Folks who were at the September meeting will remember that KMCA discussed and adopted a list of eight priorities for fixing/improving Kemp Mill Urban Park. Since then, we’ve been hard at work trying to make our beloved park better serve the community’s needs. The KMCA Board sent the County Council a letter summarizing KMCA’s priorities for the park. Councilmember Fani-González has been using that letter as a basis for discussions with Montgomery Parks. Additionally, the newly-created KMCA Cleanup Committee, led by Melanie Goodrich, had a successful park cleanup on November 5 where we removed several trash bags worth of litter from Kemp Mill Urban Park.
As you can see from the agenda, we have other important areas to discuss as well. I look forward to seeing you at next week’s meeting!
Jules Szanton
President, KMCA
Kemp Mill Civic Association Quarterly Meeting Agenda
December 19, 2023; 7:30 pm
Kemp Mill Elementary School
- 7:30 pm: Administrative Matters
- Call to order
- Adoption of agenda/previous minutes
- Treasurer’s report: Balance of funds and membership numbers
- 7:35 pm: Guest Speaker: Councilmember Natali Fani-González, Montgomery
County Council- Councilmember Fani-González represents District 6 on the Montgomery
County Council. District 6 includes all of Kemp Mill, as well as Forest
Glen, Wheaton, Glenmont, Aspen Hill, and Rock Creek. - At KMCA’s last meeting, the KMCA membership directed KMCA’s Board
to work with our elected officials to make eight specific improvements to
Kemp Mill Urban Park. Councilmember Fani- González is working with
Montgomery Parks to make these changes, and will discuss the timeline
for improving the Park. - Councilmember Fani-González will also be available to take questions
generally about her work representing our neighborhood on the Council.
- Councilmember Fani-González represents District 6 on the Montgomery
- 8:05pm: Community Updates
- Jeff Lunsford, director of the Kemp Mill Chills 5k/10K, will discuss this fun community event scheduled for Sunday February 11.
- Anyone else seeking to be recognized to share a community update at this or another upcoming meeting should email Jules at president@kempmillcivic.org.
- 8:10 pm: KMCA’s 2024 Budget
- Treasurer Anna Waller will discuss how actual revenue and expenses
from 2023 compared with the approved 2023 budget. - Anna will share the Board’s proposed 2024 budget, which will be open for
questions, comments, and amendment. - Vote.
- Treasurer Anna Waller will discuss how actual revenue and expenses
- 8:30pm: Committee Updates
- Sidewalks Committee
- Cleanup Committee
- Transportation Committee
- Community Day Committee
- 8:50pm: New Business
- 8:55pm: Adjourn
Next KMCA General Meeting – Thursday 9/14/23 @ 7:30 PM
Jules Szanton
President, KMCA
Kemp Mill Civic Association Quarterly Meeting Agenda
September 14, 2023; 7:30 pm
Kemp Mill Elementary School
- 7:30 pm: Administrative Matters
- Call to order
- Adoption of agenda/previous minutes
- Treasurer’s report: Balance of funds and membership numbers
- 7:35 pm: Election for Board Vacancy
- The KMCA Board nominates past president Alan Felsen for a Board vacancy
- Request for additional nominations from the floor
- Statements from candidates (if needed)
- Vote
- 7:40 pm: Public Safety Update
- Invited Speaker: Lt. Douglas Cobb, Montgomery County Police Department
to discuss MCPD’s efforts to combat property crime in our neighborhood and across Montgomery County. Kemp Mill and the surrounding area has faced a surge of car break-ins, car thefts/joyriding, porch piracy, and shoplifting from businesses at the Kemp Mill Shopping Center. We will discuss steps MCPD is taking to combat this. In particular, we will discuss the new County program to offer rebates for private security cameras in select neighborhoods. - Q&A with KMCA members.
- Invited Speaker: Lt. Douglas Cobb, Montgomery County Police Department
- 8:15 pm: Proposal from Landscaping Committee
- Landscaping Committee Chair Pete Lublin will propose changes to the Kemp Mill Urban Park to reduce litter, fix pond water levels, and make other needed changes.
- If adopted by the membership, these proposed changes will reflect KMCA’s
official position and will be a basis for discussions with County officials.
- 8:30 pm: Proposal from President
- KMCA President Jules Szanton will discuss a proposal to sponsor recurring Volunteer Cleanup Days at Kemp Mill Urban Park and other neighborhood parks and playgrounds. Will discuss a plan for:
- Insurance.
- Supplies needed
- Food/giveaways as an incentive for volunteer
- If adopted by the membership, funding will be authorized for this project.
- Additionally, KMCA will apply for a grant from the Clean Water Montgomery Grant Program administered by the Montgomery County DEP.
- KMCA President Jules Szanton will discuss a proposal to sponsor recurring Volunteer Cleanup Days at Kemp Mill Urban Park and other neighborhood parks and playgrounds. Will discuss a plan for:
- 8:40pm: Committee Updates
- 8:50pm: Announcements/New Business
- 9:00pm: Adjourn
MCDOT Presentation on University Boulevard Bus Lane Pilot Project
KMCA General Meeting – Monday June 26th, 2023
The next KMCA General Meeting will be next Monday, June 26th at 7:30 PM. The meeting will be held in the All Purpose room at Kemp Mill Elementary School.
Kemp Mill Civic Association General Meeting
June 26th 2023 – 7:30 PM
Kemp Mill Elementary School – All Purpose Room
411 Sisson Street, Silver Spring, MD 20902
Call to order
Adoption of agenda
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
Guest Speaker – Gary Erenrich, Montgomery County Department of Transportation – Topic: University Boulevard Bus Lane Pilot
Guest speaker – County Council Member Natali Fani-Gonzalez
Guest speaker – Linda Barrett – Topic: Mosquito spraying and pollinators
KMCA Elections
The nominating committee has submitted the following slate of candidates for the KMCA board positions expiring this year:
President: Jules Szanton
Secretary: Chris Farrell
At-Large: Pete Lublin
At-Large: Marion Felsen
Committee reports
Election results
New Business/Announcements
KMCA General Meeting – Tuesday March 21st, 2023 @ 7:30 PM
The next KMCA general meeting will be held via Zoom next Tuesday, March 21st starting at 7:30 PM. The agenda is below.
The meeting link will be sent out to all current KMCA members prior to the meeting. If you are not sure if your membership is current, please your membership here: https://www.kempmillcivic.org/membership/
If you attended the previous meeting, please take a moment to review the minutes of that meeting at https://www.kempmillcivic.org/meetings/ as one of our first items on the agenda is the approval of those minutes.
KMCA General Meeting
March 21st, 2023 – 7:30 PM
via Zoom
– Call to order
– Adoption of agenda
– Approval of minutes of the previous meeting
– Treasurer’s report
– MCPD 4th District
– Invited speaker: Commander David Smith
– MCPD will discuss recent crime trends and take questions from members
– MCDOT Pedestrian Path and Bridge project
– MCDOT reps will go over their plans to add a pedestrian path and install a bridge connecting the end of Auth Lane to the intersection of Kersey Rd and Bromley St
– Nominating committee for 2023 election
– Committee Reports
– Transportation, Deer & Wildlife, Membership, Landscaping
– New Business
9:00 Adjourn
Next KMCA General Meeting – Tuesday December 13th, 2022
The next KMCA general meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday December 13th, 2022 at 7:30 PM. The agenda is below.
The meeting link will be sent out to all current KMCA members prior to the meeting. You can check if your household membership is current here. If you haven’t received the link by Monday, 12/12, please email president@kempmillcivic.org to request the link.
If you attended the previous meeting, please take a moment to review the minutes from that meeting posted here as one of our first agenda items is to approve those minutes.
We will be voting on two items at this meeting: potential changes to the play equipment at Kemp Mill Estates Park, and to approve the 2023 KMCA budget.
7:30 PM
– Call to order
– Adoption of agenda
– Approval of minutes of the previous meeting
– Treasurer’s report: Membership / bank balances
7:35 PM – Montgomery County Roads Runner’s Club – Kemp Mill Chills 5K/10K Race
– Jeff Lunsford from MCRRC will speak about the upcoming race to be held Sunday 2/12/2023
7:45 PM – Montgomery Parks – Playground options for Kemp Mill Urban Park
– Patricia McManus, Design Section Manager for Montgomery Parks will present the options for replacing some of the play structures. We will be voting to select one of the options after the presentation.
8:05 PM – Montgomery Planning – University Boulevard Corridor Plan
– Nkosi Yearwood will go over the plans for the University Boulevard Corridor and answer questions from the membership
8:35 PM – 2023 KMCA Budget
– We will vote on the proposed 2023 KMCA budget
8:40 PM – Committee Reports
8:50 PM – New Business / Announcements
9:00 PM – Adjourn
KMCAbudget2023 - 2023University Boulevard Corridor Public Meetings
From the Montgomery County Planning Department:
The Montgomery County Planning Department is starting a new comprehensive plan for University Boulevard (MD 193). The University Boulevard Corridor is identified as a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), which would link the Takoma Langley and Wheaton areas. The proposed BRT route would intersect with the existing FLASH service on Route 29. A broad overview on the project is attached.
As part of our outreach efforts for this corridor plan, we are reaching out to local organizations and community leaders to discuss and learn about community issues and concerns regarding University Boulevard.
The initial Public Open House for University Boulevard will take place on Wednesday, November 2, 7-9 p.m. at Blair High School. We will also host a virtual option on Monday, November 7 at 7 p.m.
University Boulevard Overview