Next KMCA General Meeting – Tuesday September 10th

The next KMCA general meeting will be held  on Tuesday September 10th, 2019 at Kemp Mill Elementary School. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:30 PM.  If you have not already checked your membership status please do so before the meeting at  Please plan to arrive a few minutes early for the meeting to check in and receive a ballot for the vote on the motion related to the sidewalk proposal that will occur later in the meeting.


7:30 – Call to order
Adoption of agenda
Approval of minutes from previous meeting
Treasurer’s report

7:45 – Presentation by Montgomery County Department of Transportation on proposed sidewalk additions in Kemp Mill

8:25 – Adoption of rules for debate (voice vote)

8:30 – Debate on the motion submitted by a member for the KMCA to support the county’s plan for sidewalk additions on Lovejoy Street, Stonington Place, and Hermleigh Road.

9:00 – Debate closes – vote on the motion (vote by written ballot)

9:05 – Kemp Mill Community Day 2020 planning

9:10 – Maintenance issues at Kemp Mill Urban Park and possibility to have Montgomery Parks at an upcoming meeting to address community concerns

9:15 – New Business / Announcements

9:20 – Present results of vote on the motion


A few notes about the meeting agenda:

During the presentation by county D.O.T. there will be an opportunity to ask questions but this will not be a time to start debate over the merits of the sidewalk proposal. That debate will occur after the presentation. Members are encouraged to ask questions during this part of the meeting but will not be allowed to argue or make speeches in the place of asking questions.

Prior to the start of the debate the members present will be asked to adopt rules for the debate that were approved by the Board of Directors at the most recent Board meeting. Those rules are:
–  Each member will have one minute to speak for or against the motion
–  We will alternate between members wishing to speak for and against the motion until time runs out or there is no one remaining who wishes to speak
–  Members must remain civil during the debate.  Comments should be directed towards the merits of the motion and not the character or motivation of other members.

Members may offer amendments to these rules before we vote on them, including extending the time per speaker, but keep in mind that extending the time per speaker will result in fewer members having an opportunity to speak.

The vote is expected to be held close to 9:00 PM. Members must be present at the time the debate closes in order to vote. Members who have to leave prior to the vote may not give their ballot to anyone else (who not an adult resident of their own household, as all adult residents of a single household are one ‘member’ of the KMCA).


Kemp Mill Sidewalk Proposal from MC DOT

KMCA Members,

I am passing on documents I received from the Montgomery County Department of Transportation related to a proposal to add sidewalks to several streets in Kemp Mill. The proposal covers parts of Lovejoy Street, Stonington Place, and Hermleigh Road, as well as the cut-through path between Auth and Lovejoy.

Below you will find the letter that was sent to all of the residents who live across the street from the affected houses along with a comment form, map, and the detailed description of what work would be done at each address. That includes listing all trees that would be affected and other obstructions such as mailboxes or water meters that might have to be relocated. Residents on the side of the street where the sidewalks are proposed to be installed received a slightly different letter with information on how they can contact the county for detailed discussions about the affects on their specific property.

As the letter from DOT makes clear there has been no decision made at this point whether to install the sidewalks. The County needs to gather public input and if it moves forward after that then DOT will schedule a public hearing. At that public hearing anyone can provide their comments on the record before any final decisions are made.

The current county process for deciding on whether to install sidewalks does NOT require a vote of support from the Civic Association, however the Association can submit comments to the county on behalf of our membership. Some members have asked the Civic Association to consider a motion to support the proposal. The next KMCA meeting, tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 4th (edit: the meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th) at 7:30 PM, will include an informational presentation and Q&A session with a DOT representative before we vote on any motion related to the proposal. This is not the county’s public hearing which would only occur at a later date if they decide to move forward with the project.

Once the meeting date and location are finalized I will send out a notice along with a detailed agenda.

Alan Felsen
President, KMCA

Letter - Notification to Neighbors (DUE Sept 13th)




Tree Report - Hermleigh Rd


Tree Report - Lovejoy Street


Tree Report - Path btwn Lovejoy St & Auth Lane


Tree Report - Stonington Pl




Comment-Survey Form (DUE Fri September 13th)
