Next KMCA General Meeting – Monday September 19th, 2022 @ 7:30 PM

The next KMCA General Meeting will be held on Monday September 19th, 2022 at 7:30 PM via Zoom. We will have guest speakers from Montgomery Parks and from the Silver Spring Village at the meeting.

The speakers from Parks and Planning will be talking about maintenance issues with the Kemp Mill Urban Park, the status of planned upgrades to playground equipment at that park, and plans for repaving the multi-use path in Sligo Creek Park behind the Kemp Mill Shopping Center. If you have specific questions or concerns about the Parks that you haven’t already communicated to the KMCA, please email Jonathan Aghion at as soon as possible so he can relay your concerns to the Parks representatives and they can look into them before the meeting.

Doug Gaddis, the Executive Director of the Silver Spring Village will be talking about what that organization does to help residents age in place in our community. See for more information.

We’ll also have some updates on the upcoming Kemp Mill Community Day which will be held at the Kemp Mill Shopping Center on Sunday October 2nd, 2022 from noon until 4 PM. The full agenda is below. A link to the meeting will be sent out to all members later this week. Since we sometimes have issues with emails getting bounced or sent to spam folders, if you are a KMCA member and haven’t received the meeting link by Sunday September 18th, please email to request the link.


7:30 PM
– Call to order
– Adoption of agenda
– Approval of minutes of previous meeting
– Treasurer’s report (membership / balances)

7:35 PM
– Montgomery Parks presentation

8:15 PM
– Silver Spring Village Presentation

8:35 PM 
 – Community Day updates

8:45 PM
– Committee Reports

8:55 PM
– New Business / Announcements

9:00 PM
– Adjourn