The next KMCA general meeting will be held Monday December 17, 2018 at 7:30 PM at Kemp Mill Elementary School.
Please arrive a few minutes early and check in. Everyone who checks in will receive a key chain/safety whistle and a raffle ticket. We’ll have drawings during the meeting for some goodies from The Candy Man.
The detailed agenda is below.
For the agenda item regarding the land between Northwood High School and Northwood Terrace, there has been some concern raised that rather than turning the land over to MNCPPC so it can remain parkland, which we had previously been told was the plan, the land might instead be sold for private development. Our speakers will explain the situation and we’ll have an opportunity as a community to express our position on the future of that parcel of land.
We will also be voting on the KMCA budget for 2019.
- 7:30
- Call to order
- Introductions
- Adoption of agenda
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting
- Treasurer’s report on finances, current membership numbers
- 7:40
- Jeff Lunsford will speak about the upcoming 2nd Annual Kemp Mill CHills 5K / 10K run that will be held in February starting at KMES.
- 7:50
- Discussion about the parcel of land between Northwood High School and Northwood Terrace. It is anticipated there will be a vote on a motion to adopt a position of the KMCA on the future use of that land. Councilmember Tom Hucker and Jennifer Chambers are invited speakers.
- 8:20
- Wheaton Post Office – The station manager, Yolanda Andrews, has been invited to answer community questions about problems the community has experienced with mail delivery and customer service at the Wheaton station.
- 8:45
- Report from the Budget Committee and vote to adopt the 2019 budget
- 8:55
- Update on on the Adopt-a-Spot application for Kemp Mill Urban Park
- 9:00
- Committee Reports
- Landscaping
- Parks
- Transportation
- Deer
- Membership and Outreach
- Committee Reports
- 9:25
- New business
- 9:30
- Adjourn