The next KMCA general meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday December 20th, 2021 at 7:30 PM. The meeting agenda is below. A link to the meeting will be sent out to all members before December 19th. If you are a current member and haven’t received the meeting link by December 19th please email to get the link.
If you aren’t sure if your membership is current you can check the status here:
– Call to order
– Adoption of agenda
– Approval of minutes of previous meeting
– Treasurer’s report (account balances, current membership)
– Other committee reports
– Montgomery County Road Runners Club
Guest Speaker: Jeff Lunsford. Topic: 2022 Kemp Mill cHills event
– Neighbors of Northwest Branch
Guest Speaker: Anne Ambler. Topic: The NNWB organization
– University Boulevard Bike Lanes Pilot
Speaker: Gil Chlewicki, KMCA Transportation Committee Chair
– Vote on KMCA resolution on the bike lane pilot (see below for text of the resolution)
– Presentation of 2022 budget and vote
– New Business
– Announcements
– Adjourn
We will be voting on the following resolution that was adopted by the Board of Directors:
WHEREAS The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA), a division of the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) installed temporary bike lanes along University Boulevard between Arcola Avenue and Amherst Avenue without sufficient or timely outreach to affected communities, including Kemp Mill.
and WHEREAS The study included changes to the intersection of Arcola Avenue and University Boulevard that had a significant effect on Kemp Mill residents
and WHEREAS When the SHA did meet with the community the plans for the pilot were already finalized, leading to anger among members of the community that the SHA was not taking the community’s concerns into account
and WHEREAS The SHA made assurances that the changes related to the study were temporary, that the study results would be released to the public, and that there would be further opportunities for public input before any permanent changes would be made, but the Secretary of the MDOT later made public statements that the lanes would be left in place after the conclusion of the study, leading to further anger in the community.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE KEMP MILL CIVIC ASSOCIATION, that no permanent changes to University Boulevard involving the removal of lanes or reconfiguration of the intersection at Arcola Avenue should be made until:
The SHA releases the results of the bike lane study to the public and
The SHA allows significant opportunities for affected communities to provide input on any proposed changes. Such public input should be sought early enough in the process that it can be taken into account before any plans are finalized