To KMCA Members:
As previously announced, the Election Meeting will be held Wednesday, September 6, at 7:30 PM at Congregation Young Israel Shomrai Emunah, 1132 Arcola Avenue. Each Household is entitled to only one ballot, no matter how many members reside in the Household.
Candidates nominated so far are:
For President — Alan Felsen and Ira Ungar
For Director (two to be elected) — Peter Lublin
Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the meeting. A candidate must be nominated by two members in good standing. The nominee must be a member in good standing and must indicate a willingness to serve in the office.
Only members in good standing may vote or speak at the meeting. Dues may be paid at the meeting.
The election will be only part of the business of the meeting. The President will have appointed Tellers for the election. When the order of the meeting does reach the election, the President will yield the Chair to Art Boyars, Vice-Chair of the Nominating Committee. (Committee Chairman Stuart Rosenthal has an overriding need and will not be able to attend the meeting.)
In accordance with KMCA practice, the election will be conducted with a single ballot for all offices. Nominations will be taken from the floor for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Director (two Directors may be elected).
After nominations close, members will have the opportunity to speak in favor of nominees for contested offices, in the order above for nominations. These remarks shall be limited in time: candidates themselves for President, five minutes each; candidates themselves for other offices, three minutes each; other members in support of a candidate, two minutes each.
(Note that Roberts Rules of Order prohibit motions to make a balloted election unanimous. Therefore, even uncontested offices are included on the ballot. However, there is no need to allow remarks in favor of unopposed candidates.)
After the remarks the Tellers will collect the ballots and retire to count them. When the Tellers have completed counting, they will report the results to the Chair of the meeting.
While ballots are being counted, other business may be conducted so long as the Tellers are not deprived of an opportunity to vote.
A sample ballot is attached.
The Nominating Committee
2017 09 06 Sample ballot