December 1, 2015
Meeting of the Kemp Mill Civic Association
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm, at Young Israel Shomrai Emunah, at 1132 Arcola Ave.
Ariel Winter (Nominating Committee Chair) presented the slate of officers and board members. The slate was voted on and approved by the membership.
- President – Ira Ungar
- Vice President – Caroline Friedman
- Secretary – Paul Bardack
- Treasurer – Marci Lavine Bloch
- Board Members – Julie Caron, Chris Farrell, Alan Felsen, Pete Lublin
- Gil Chlewicki is an interim Board Member, elected by the Board, until the next Civic Association meeting, where an election will take place.
Kemp Mill Urban Park renovation report: park renovation has been delayed again. The major renovation is now scheduled to begin in Spring, 2016, when the park will be closed for 13 months; it will include new landscaping to discourage the flocks of geese, and will have over 180 places to sit versus only about 30 now.
Deer management: bow hunters can hunt deer on private property
Thank you to Pete Lublin and Julie Caron for coordinating the new welcome sign and the new landscaping
Landscaping report: Pete is continuing to work with the County on new landscaping for the median strip of Lamberton near Arcola; at Pete’s request, the County removed the unsightly stumps and agreed to plant 5 Red Bud Trees in spring 2016 at no charge to the community; Pete planted daffodil bulbs.
Police Report
Lt. Onderko from Montgomery County Police Department, 4th precinct:
- Police responded to a call from a resident’s relative who checked on the resident and saw him lying on the floor in his home on Winona Ct.; the resident (homeowner) was deceased.
- When police followed procedure to check/clear the house, they found an indoor marijuana growing operation and chemicals that are commonly used to make methamphetamines
- Fire & rescue and narcotics section personnel checked the house to make sure everything was safe
- There was no danger to the neighborhood from the chemicals
- Autopsy report is not yet available
- The case is being investigated by the homicide division (as are ALL unattended deaths)
- Since January 1, 2015, there have been 3 identified cases of meth ingredients/labs in the county
- Kemp Mill crime numbers are down from last year, knows of no major worrisome activity
- Overall, local crime is down – part 1 crimes up by 1, part 2 crimes way down
- Two drug violations in the area this year, down from 5 last year
- Theft from cars is the most common crime in Kemp Mill
- Don’t leave valuables visible in the car
- Lock the car
- Turn in program for expired medication twice a year on Saturdays – next one is in March
- A member commented that Holy Cross Hospital pharmacy will accept/dispose of expired medication
- Crime prevention tips:
- Track any packages you’re expecting, have a neighbor watch/bring them in
- Don’t leave purse in your grocery cart
- Lock your car
- Marijuana decriminalization. In response to a question from a member, MD Sen Roger Manno explained that medicinal marijuana is legal; recreational marijuana use is still illegal in Maryland, though penalties for possession of small amounts have been reduced (civil, not criminal now).
Deer report:
- Ira reported that the “right” number of deer for our area is 20-30; we have >115
- The deer are damaging wildlife habitats, spreading deer ticks, causing accidents, eating residents’ gardens
- There are three effective ways now in use to reduce population
- Sharpshooters (county program) – Kemp Mill is not on the county list
- Done only in parts of the county
- Archers (county pilot program) – Kemp Mill is not on the list
- Bow hunters
- Done on private property
- Need permission from all homeowners within 100 yds of hunter’s designated hunting spot
Alan moved that KMCA (through Ira) contact County Council and Parks Department to request deer management
Bruce Schulman spoke in favor of deer control
Alan’s motion carried
Several members expressed concerns about sharpshooters near their homes
Ira and Alan will try to get people involved with county sharpshooter program to present at the next KMCA meeting.
Motion for 5 minutes of discussion on involvement with bowhunting carried
Discussion included the following viewpoints:
- KMCA should not be involved in that effort
- Leadership could offer to help make connections between homeowners and bowhunters
- Getting permission slips to homeowners would help
- Bowhunters came to the last KMCA meeting, and their information has already been posted on the listserve
Motion that KMCA should support hunters and facilitate communication between bowhunters and homeowners
- No discussion
- Motion carried
Villages and Volunteer Ride program for Seniors and People with Disabilities
Presentation from Pazit Aviv (Montgomery County’s Aging & Disabilities Services) and Shawn Brennan (Montgomery County Mobility Management Administrator) on programs to help residents age in place
- “Villages” have been a grassroots movement around the country, where residents and local non-profits to help neighbors stay connected, especially to seniors. Villages count on local residents doing the work, and are not dependent on specific government programs.
- The County and the Jewish Council on Aging have pioneered a volunteer ride program to support villages in the area, and the Senior Connection. Kemp Mill could create a volunteer ride program or a village or both. Villages often begin by helping with transportation.
- The Volunteer Ride Program gives free rides to those who need them by volunteer drivers. Its recipients are seniors and people with disabilities. Unlike other programs, there are no complicated eligibility requirements, e.g., income, age, disability, type of ride.
- The County’s assistance and features of a village or volunteer ride program include:
- Marketing assistance
- Driving and criminal background check on volunteer drivers
- Secondary auto insurance for the volunteers giving rides
- Training in how to help people walk and get into the car, when necessary
- Access and training for highly functional website that helps volunteers quickly see who needs a ride, where it is, how long it will take, and a profile of the rider’s special conditions
- Volunteers can put in as many hours as they like
- Recipients/riders can donate as much as they want
- Recipients/riders generally do not have internet access, so they would call in the ride they need. Data would then be input into the website for volunteer drivers to see.
- Montgomery County has 16 active Villages, more in development
- Local “Bikur Cholim” is a volunteer organization that assists with rides to medical appointments
- Can refer to other local organizations, including JSSA, MetroAccess, Senior Connection
- Transportation is the biggest need
- Takes time to develop and implement
- We’ll discuss more at a future meeting. Pazit and Shawn offered to return.
New business/member requests
- The new “no right turn on red” signs at the intersection of Lamberton and Arcola may not be working properly; the signs aren’t always lighting up when resident believes they should. Ira will investigate. Update: They are now working.
- A resident would like a longer left turn arrow from the neighborhood side of Lamberton turning onto Arcola. Ira will address this with the county.
- A member asked how to get the county to clear dead trees and brush from county property near homes. Another member suggested calling the Parks Dept or 311. KMCA is following up on this.
- Ira reported that residents have requested 4-way stop sign at the intersection of Hillsboro and S. Belgrade, and a stop sign at Monticello and S. Belgrade. He will raise this issue with the county.
- A member requested assistance getting the county to trim trees hanging over sidewalks. Of particular concern is a low-hanging dead tree at Lamberton and Rockbridge.
- A resident requested more streetlights on N. Belgrade between Lamberton and Kersey. Ira will pass request on to the county.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.
Refreshments were served by Shalom Market. YISE provided coffee and tea.