It’s really been the season for road repaving equipment.
1. From about June 12-30, 3 weeks, all the roads between Hermleigh and Lamberton were milled, or ground down.
2. For the 3 weeks, from July 10-28, all the roads between Hermleigh and Lamberton will be repaved with the top layer from curb to curb.
Some of the milled streets are very difficult for people with walkers to use when street has no sidewalks. The County’s Dept. of Transportation has graciously agreed to repave these areas first, for people’s safety. In these and similar cases, to arrange for faster repaving, please contact Nick Boone, the Department’s On-Site Inspector, cell: 240-821-7133, office: 240-777-7648, His supervisor is DOT’s Pavement Management Section Chief is Randy Paugh, 240-777-7608, Cell: 240-821-7242,