Kemp Mill Civic Association Meeting Agenda – 10/16/2017

The next Kemp Mill Civic Association meeting will be held on

Monday October 16, 2017

7:30 PM

at Kemp Mill Elementary School

411 Sisson Street, in the all-purpose room

Please arrive on time as we will begin promptly at 7:30.

We will have some refreshments including pizza that was donated by Ben Yehuda Pizza:


7:30   Call to Order

Approval of minutes of previous meeting

Adoption of agenda

7:35   Committee reports

7:40   Program – Presentation by MCPD 4th District Community Services Officer, Ofc. Katie Beard

8:10   Program – Presentation on Northwood Chesapeake Bay Trail, Jennifer Chambers

8:25   Discussion of committees, introduction of committee chairs, requests for volunteers (Budget, Bylaws, Deer, Membership and Outreach, Neighborhood Beautification, Parks, Social Media/Internet, Transportation)

8:55  Old and New Business

9:10   Announcements

9:15   Adjourn