Dear Kemp Millers,
As many are aware, the Kemp Mill Urban Park on Arcola Ave. is nearing completion, yet there are many in the community who are dissatisfied with what appears to be the final result of over a year’s worth of work and several years of planning, particularly with the way the community’s input has been considered and implemented at various stages of design and construction.
The Kemp Mill Civic Association is seeking constructive input from community members t. We are forming a committee to hear concerns, make recommendations for changes to the park, and have discussions with the Parks Department and possibly other County agencies to effectuate those changes. We will be most effective if we speak in a unified voice to express major concerns with the park. If you have constructive input or would like to join this committee, please respond to
(We would like to discuss the Park off the list serves. Please do not use this email to start a lengthy thread on the various community email lists about the park or any other topic.)
Best regards,
Seth Jacobson
Vice President, Kemp Mill Civic Association
Temporary Chair, Kemp Mill Urban Park Committee
Ira Ungar
President, Kemp Mill Civic Association